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  • #17075

    In his endeavor in 1793 to attenuate the significance of the President’s power of reception, Madison denied that it concerned cognizance of the question, game slot whether these exercising the government of the accrediting state had the proper along with the possession. He said: “This belongs to the nation, and to the nation alone, on whom the government operates. It is obvious, due to this fact, that if the executive has a right to reject a public minister, it should be founded on another consideration than a change in the government, or the newness of the government; and consequently a right to refuse to acknowledge a new government cannot be implied by the proper to refuse a public minister. It isn’t denied that there may be instances during which a respect to the general principles of liberty, the important rights of the people, or the overruling sentiments of humanity, might require a authorities, whether new or old, to be handled as an illegitimate despotism. Such are in reality mentioned and admitted by probably the most accredited authorities. This content was generated with the help of GSA Content Generator Demoversion!

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